Friday, July 25, 2008

Art as an Act of Devotion

Ideas for Making Art a Devotional Practice

1) Meditate on the creation story
2) Journal on the impact of the created world on your thoughts & emotions
3) Ponder something in nature of a created object for five minutes
4) Journal on the impact of the environment on your spirit and soul
5) Be open to emotions that art can do in you (e.g. paintings, film, music)
6) Develop a liturgical or sacramental side to your art
7) Go to museums
8) Join an arts group (CIVA)
9) Honor the arts in your church
10) Read books on art

Some Books to Ponder

Art in Action Nicholas Wolterstorf
Rainbows for a Fallen World Calvin Seerveld
Walking on Water Madeleine L’Engel
The Rock that is Higher Madeleine L’Engel
Making Room for Art Sally Warner
Uncontrollable Beauty Bill Beckley (Ed.)
The Healing Power of Stories Daniel Taylor
The Symbolic Construction of Community Anthony P. Cohen
A Rumor of Angels Peter L. Berger
Culture Wars James Davison Hunter
The Soul’s Journey Allan Jones
Imitation of Christ Thomas a Kempis
The Culture of Interpretation Roger Lundin
Living by Fiction Annie Dillard
For the Time Being Annie Dillard
Art After Modernism Brian Wallis (Ed.)
Music Through the Eyes of Faith Harold Best
The Closing of the American Mind Allan Bloom
Narrative Imagination Richard Eslinger
The Holy Longing Richard Rohlheiser
Symbols of the Sacred Louis Dupre
A Life in the Arts Eric Maisel
Art Marketing 101 Constance Smith
Listening to the Spirit of the Text Gordon D. Fee
Christian Apologetics in a Postmodern World Timothy Phillips (Ed.)
The Christian Imagination Leland Ryken
Imgologies Mark C. Taylor,

Esa Saarinen
The Repeal of Reticence Rochelle Gerstein
The Scandal of Pleasure Wendy Steiner
The Exile of Beauty Wendy Steiner
Conversations Before the End of Time Suzi Gablik
The End of Modernism Suzi Gablik
The Re Enchantment of Art Suzi Gablik
Art and Great Ideas Mortimer J. Adler
The Creative Life Alice Bass
The End of World as we Know It Chuck Smith
Civilizing Rituals Carol Duncan
Our Christian Symbols Frederich Rest
The Presentation of Self Erving Goffman
Reaching Out Without Dumbing Down Marva J. Dawn
A Royal Waste of Time Marva J. Dawn
The Divine Conspiracy Dallas Willard
The Spiritual Disciplines Dallas WIllard
We’ve Had Hundred Years of Psychotherapy James Hillman
The Culture of Narcissism Christopher Lasch
Art & Soul Hilary Brand &

Adrienne Chaplin
Beyond Liberalism & Fundamentalism Nancy Murphy
Deep Symbols Edward Farley
The Invention of Art/ A Cultural History Larry Shiner
Concerning the Spiritual in Art Wassily Kandinsky
Creating Robert Fritz
Plain Living Catherine Whitmire
Handbook / Pricing and Ethical Guidelines Graphic Arts Guild
Visual Thinking William A. Dyrness
Crying for a Vision Steve Scott
Moral Imagination Mark Johnson
Metaphors to Live By Mark Johnson
The Gift /Imagination & the Erotic Life of Property Lewis Hyde

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